Statistics Regional District of Peranap 2013 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Indragiri Hulu Regency

The Central Statistics Agency of Indragiri Hulu Regency is Committed to "NO GRATIFICATION" in order to realize a clean and corruption-free government

Statistics Regional District of Peranap 2013

Catalog Number : 111002.1402010
Publication Number : 14551.0821
Publishing Frequency : Annualy
Release Date : June 5, 2014
Language : Indonesian
File Size :  MB


Publication of the Regional District of Peranap Statistics 2013 published by the Central Bureau of Statistics Indragiri Hulu contains a variety of data and information about the District Peranap elected simply analyzed the data to help users understand the progress of development and the potential that exists in the District Peranap Indragiri Hulu. Publication of the Regional District of Peranap Statistics 2013 published to complement the statistical publications that have been published regularly every year. Unlike the publications that already exist, this publication is more emphasis on analysis. The material presented in the Regional District of Peranap Statistics 2013 contains various information / selected indicators related to development in various sectors in the district Peranap and is expected to be a reference material / studies in the planning and evaluation of development activities. Constructive criticism and suggestions we expect all parties to the improvement of the upcoming publication. Hopefully, this publication is able to meet the demanding needs of statistical data, both by government agencies, private sector, academia and society.
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